Are you noticing that things/ people are just suddenly leaving or fading away and if the truth be told, gone without warning? Have you been feeling like it’s time for a change , as if it’s time to just bust a move? Almost as a feel of disgust and discontentment is suffocating the life out of you?
Do you feel like you have outgrown where you are, and the people you are surrounded by? Does it feel like your clothes are too tight or something? (Humor) ok back serious, like no matter what you do, or what position you try to get in you just can’t get comfortable?
Okay, maybe you fall into this category. Do you feel like something has to change but at the same time something is changing or has changed but you’re not sure what?
You want to hold on, but let go at the same time? But leaning more to letting it go, but you are sparring feelings when feelings are not sparring you!
You did everything possible to hold on, to make it work, and it still fell apart or walked way. you’re saying this is not making any sense! I’m mad that its or them went, but I’m exhaling at the same time!
If you fall in any of these category… Well, I have news for you this morning…
Don’t be alarm… Welcome to the transitioning stages of this beautiful season called..(drumroll)… “FALL!”. Yes “Fall Season” Expect people places and things to naturally fall from…, and into….., It’s all about staying on course with the changing of the seasons!
Are you prepared? Don’t worry, this season got you covered! It’s hardly any work that needs to be done on your part. Isn’t that great news? Here is the rewarding news of this season! Brace yourself!!
In the “FALL”, things “NATURALLY” leave, fall off, or get blown away!! YES, you heard it correctly! when it’s time to “GO” you won’t have to lift a finger…
The season will do it for you! Isn’t that great news! Now to those who are not apart of the fall/winter season, but you’re with the
“Time To Go, Crew,” it’s not so good for you. If you decide to hang around, you will and be out of season and obvious!
That’s a big NO! NO!
Don’t Do That.
That’s embarrassing!
Listen and take heed.
you can move “In Season” while the “GRACE” is there, or get “CUT”!
Not a pleasant feeling.
Everyone/thing can’t handle the winter season. they are not built to endure!
Be wise Fall away gracefully and see the beauty in it. Fall is a beautiful season, almost perfect.
Now for the next group of people. This can also mean a “Mental and Spiritual Change!” For you, It’s a time to Fall Back in Love with God! Your “First Love.” A time to separate yourself from fleshy, carnal, worldly desires and return to HOLINESS! Yes even to you leaders…”ALL” Christian Leaders!
Holiness is not a Cuss Word, nor a Curse! Many believers are too afraid to let the word “Holiness” come out of their mouth. Oops! Not true, unless they are putting someone down or making fun of them…smh!
It’s the call that was placed on your life from birth. Not just to preach! Or lead…you heard go in “Peace” one night, you purchased a collar the next morning, saying God told you to go and Preach!!! NO! NO! Stop It! Don’t do that!
God said Fall Back In Love With Me! Return To Your First Love! Yes, Gomer! He’s reaching out to you too! God wants you to return back to Him, love on Him and let Him love you back!
When spring rolls around, you will be able to produce and give birth to things that are God-Ordained, God Approved, Anointed, and prosperous!
And guess what?
It will “NATURALLY!” Spring Forth! Right on time and IN season! So don’t view this fall season in a negative manner. See it as nature taking its proper place, and God doing His necessary adjustments!
PS: I SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST! Now for the last group of people, my “BUILT TO MASTER EVERY SEASON SAINTS”!
Get ready for your HARVEST! This is also a season of Harvest and Thanksgiving. Look for things to “FALL” right in place! No questions asked, No explanation needed! Just gracefully walk into your season! It’s your time!